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Freestanding Bathtubs Wholesale Perth

Key Factors To Take Into Consideration While Choosing Free Standing Baths


Key Factors To Take Into Consideration While Choosing Free Standing Baths

Freestanding baths are the new in-thing – to start with!! Indeed, when you set up a freestanding at your bathroom, it unmistakably adds personality, elegance, and an unparalleled grandeur to your bathroom. That is the reason, the companies that come up with these new-age freestanding baths, always enjoy a special status in the psyche of the customers. This same can be said about Direct Tile and Bath. Indeed, we are home to some of the most fascinating freestanding baths – something that has made us a name to reckon for the customers.


However, things are not that easy. When it comes to purchasing freestanding bathtubs from wholesale houses in Perth you need to take into consideration a number of factors, more so if you have a smallish bathroom.

Weighing it.....

Freestanding baths in most of the cases are extremely heavy – more so, if they are made up of stone. That is the reason, you must consider the weight very seriously before you opt for it. Remember, the floor of your bathroom will not have to deal with the weight of the bath alone, but the water as well, when you fill the bath up. Therefore, it can pose a serious problem for the flooring more so if you stay in a multi-storeyed apartment.

Planning the strategic position....

This is another extremely important step that needs to be taken en route to installing a freestanding bath at your bathroom. You can surely go for the most prestigious freestanding bath available in Perth, but if you do not plan the position, the investment will go down the drain. Plan to set it up at a blank corner to give the corner and element of character, as the bath will produce a sense of fillup that will make all the difference. 

You may also place it by the window if you want to make it the focal point. Indeed, placing the bathtub close to the window or underneath it, will indeed add a bathing experience that you will relish.

The storage issue....

This is one factor that is often ignored will procuring freestanding baths. It is really extremely important to ensure enough space that will allow you to keep the toiletries kept handy by the bath.  While having things handy will add to the experience of bathing, space will couple up with the bathtub, creating an ambience that will justify the freestanding bath that you have procured.

Choosing the style....

Here you have got a free hand, but then you must keep into consideration the size and the dimension of the bathroom. You can either opt for a traditional one or a contemporary styled cheap freestanding bath available in Perth that will suit your bathroom and your aesthetic preference. You can go for black or white, or one with a black exterior and a white interior that will create a tinge of contrast. You can also opt for the models that seamlessly fuse the contemporary and the traditional style.

Once you put money on us at Direct Tile and Bath, our consultants will help you out in choosing the best suitable freestanding bath, taking into account the size and dimension of your bathroom, and your preferences.  For further details, call us at 0431410460. 
