Not everyone really is fascinated by the use of colour pallets in their bathroom. But if you want to add the dash of freshness to the place, going for colour is a must thing to do. Well, when it's the bathroom, we will not tell you to get the acrylic painting done on your bathroom walls. Instead, we will ask you to go for coloured tiles instead.


Among the solid coloured tiles, black and white are indeed the two most popular choices that people often consider to have. But, honestly, there are a lot more to it that you should also consider making sure you can secure the desired look for your bathroom.

Solid Coloured Bathroom Tiles Can Turn Bathroom into Mini Spa

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Not every homeowner treat their bathroom as just a place to get a shower to freshen up. But, some find it as a relaxing zone where they will unwind their day's hard work. For that, the ambience of the room should have that sort of vibrancy. And, that, of course, can be achieved as you choose to go with colourful bathroom tiles.

Now, it’s time to help you out a bit with your selection. What to choose from the most popular options are considered in the following section.

The Light Should Not be Reflective

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The colour choice will be varied based on the amount of light play you want in your bathroom. If you are not prone to too much of glare (which is not a preferred choice at all!), choose a colour that is non-reflective, somewhat works as a light absorbent. Choosing matte finished bathroom tiles in Perth is also a consideration here that you are required to keep in mind.

Small Bathrooms Mean Soft Pastels

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Those who have a small bathroom often deal with confusion regarding the choice of coloured tiles of course. They try to make it look as spacious as possible by not adding many features to it. However, using tiles featuring soft pastel colours will be the best thing to do in this case. The soft tones cause a visual expansion. It will also make your bathroom look contemporary as well.

Break the Monotony with Patterns

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Well, choosing solid coloured cheap tiles in Perth does not obviously mean that you cannot go creative or innovative. You have so many options to experiment that the patterns you can create will be endless.

What kind of ambience do you want? If it is a meditative ambience you want, then merge the neutral colour patterns. Brick, basket weave, checkerboard and herringbone are the popular colour pattern choices you can go for.

Consult the Experts...

It is true that you have to stick to your personal taste of colour regarding the choice, but you also need to understand, which colour will suit your bathroom the most to make sure your investment is worthy enough.

Don’t worry about the price, because being the market leader, we know how to keep the entire bathroom renovation process within budget and still add that freshness to your bathroom.

Talk to the experts of Direct Tile and Bath for any sort of consultation with the tiles and choose from the pool of choices it has to offer.

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